Visara LINCS Configuration User Manual

Page 230

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LINCS Configuration


Map “Any” LUs to “Public” LUs - A request for “Any” LU from an IPX client is treated as
a request for a “Public” LU. LUs will be pulled from a Host Class called “Public” if such a
class is configured. If no class by that name is configured, then any unused available LU may
be given to the client.

MAP “PUBLIC” LUs to “ANY” LUs - will treat an IPX 3270 request for a “PUBLIC” LU
as if it were a request to receive any LU configured for the requested service name.

IPX SAP Filter(save comm server entries only) - allows LINCS to filter out all IPX SAP
frames except for those received from a comm server, resulting in only comm server entries
in the SAP table.

Map LU 0FFh for all SNA Hosts (hex, disable=00) - allows you to map LU ‘FF’ to a
different LU as defined by the hex value entered. For example, if a hex value of ‘55’ is
entered, then LU ‘FF’ in the data stream would be treated as LU ‘55’ in the LINCS
configuration. A value of ‘00’ for this RPQ indicates that LU ‘FF’ will be treated as an invalid

DFT Frame Sequencing - when enabled, this RPQ will disallow interspercing of frames
from multiple LUs when communicating to a DFT. That is, all frames with the same sequence
number (segmented frames) will be sent to the DFT before a frame for a different LU is sent.
This RPQ is needed for certain Irma clients.

Pass Write Structured Fields to LU3 TN3287 Clients – This RPQ will allow Write
Structured Fields to pass to a TN3287 client, even though it did not indicate support for them
during negotiation.

Prevent TN3270 Connect Panel if Host is Disabled - Enabling this RPQ prevents LINCS
from painting a Connect Panel of configured 3270 Host Classes when the TCP port is
configured with a valid port number and the Host column indicates ‘Disabled’ on the TN3270
Client Definition Panel. Normally, defining a port number without enabling a Host setting
will result in the 3270 Host Connection panel being presented.

Make Hard Disk priority higher – Enabling this RPQ raises the interrupt priority of the
hard disk to that of communications, so that the LPD queue can not be overrun by print jobs
being sent to it. This RPQ should be enabled for the Print Server feature, when LPD protocol
is being used.

Restrict TN3270 LU Requests to Those Configured - With this option enabled, only clients
that have an entry in the TN3270 Client Definition panel (IP Address is specified), will be
matched to an entry and be allowed to connect.

Use TERMNINATE-SELF instead of Inbound UNBIND – Using this RPQ causes LINCS
to utilize a TERMINATE-SELF request instead of the typical UNBIND request to end a

Support Wollongong Pathway TN3270 Client – Enabling this RPQ allows LINCS to handle
special packet sequencing idiosyncrasies of the Wollongong Pathway product.

Channel Gateway support for early VTAM versions – This RPQ modifies the way channel
gateway circuits initiate their connection, to match the expectation of some earlier versions of