Dac488 command responses, Performance verification, Performance verification…… 20 – Measurement Computing DAC488 v.1 User Manual

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20 DAC488 Power & Assembly

DAC488 User’s Manual

DAC488 Command Responses









A1 C0 P1 R0 V+00.00000


CMD>OUTPUT 09;P1 C0 A0 R3 V5.678



A0 C0 P1 R3 V+05.67750


CMD>OUTPUT 09;P1 C0 A0 R3 V4.321



A0 C0 P2 R2 V+04.32000

The above is a listing of the commands given to the DAC488 and the response received. Some commands
and command responses are separated by extra vertical and horizontal spaces for clarity although these
spaces will not actually appear when using the program. These eight command responses are explained as

Line 1: Initial command prompt from the Keyboard Controller program.

Line 2: Instruct the DAC488 to turn on its TEST LED indicator. The TEST LED indicator should light

Line 3: Instruct the DAC488 to turn off its TEST LED indicator. The TEST LED indicator should turn

Line 4: Retrieve the DAC488 default status: Autorange on, Direct control mode, Port 1 selected,
Ground range, and 0.0 volts.

Line 5: Program the DAC488 Port 1 for 5.678 volts. A digital multimeter (DMM) connected to Port 1
should read 5.677 volts (


10 mV) after this command string is executed.

Line 6: Retrieve the DAC488 status: The programmed 5.678 volts was rounded to 5.67750 volts.

Line 7: Program the DAC488 Port 2 for 4.321 volts. A digital multimeter (DMM) connected to Port 2
should read 4.320 volts (


10 mV) after this command string is executed.

Line 8: Retrieve the DAC488 status: The programmed 4.321 volts was rounded to 4.32000 volts.

Performance Verification

To verify that each DAC488 port is functioning within the specifications, the following procedure may be
used. If the port voltage is measured using a Keithley 199 DMM/Scanner, the reading should fall between
the low and high limits listed in the tables. The procedure is given for Port 1 although each port may be
tested by the Port Select (


) command. It is assumed that the DAC488 is connected to the Keithley 199

DMM/Scanner using the calibration cable described in Chapter 6.

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