6 inside the dm24, 1 state of health information, Heartbeat messages – Guralp Systems CMG-DM24 User Manual

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Operator's guide

6 Inside the DM24

6.1 State of health information

The DM24 outputs diagnostic information in a status stream. This is a
special GCF stream whose name ends in 00.

Status streams can take two different forms, depending on the current

transmission mode:

In FILING mode, a short heartbeat message summarizing the
current status is transmitted regularly at a configurable interval

of between 10 seconds and a few minutes. The heartbeat
message lets clients know that the digitizer is still operational,

even though it is not sending data. For example, if you connect
a PC running Scream! to an autonomous station over a dial-up

link, Scream! can automatically download recorded data: this is
made possible by the heartbeat message, which tells Scream!

that the data exists.

In all other modes, status messages are output continuously, in
GCF blocks. When each block is full, it is transmitted from the
DATA OUT port with the rest of the data.

Heartbeat messages

These are output at regular intervals, and always have the same

format. Older digitizers may not include all the lines described here.

64MB Flash File buffer : 65,520 Blocks Written 65,520 Unread

16 Free

Latest data [392] PLPGG SBHYX2 2006 1 18 14:55:57

Oldest data [400] PLPGG SBHYN4 2005 11 30 06:47:38

# 22 2006 1 18 14:48:36 No File Last Event

2006 1 18 14:56:15 1 MicroSeconds Fast Freq error 0 e-9 Auto

3D [-4]


Boot Log : 143 Power cycles 294 Watchdog resets

Last boot 2006 1 12 16:18:57 2006 1 17 17:15:14

2006 1 18 14:56:15 External supply : 13.0V Temperature 24.68'C

2006 1 18 14:56:15 Mass positions -486 -300 -424

Flash memory usage
The first three lines describe the internal Flash memory. First, the
overall usage is described:

October 2009