2 getting help – Guralp Systems CMG-DM24 User Manual

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The DM24 uses a FORTH interpreter to implement its features. To
issue a command in FORTH, you must supply the arguments before

the command, for example:


In FORTH, anything you enter is termed a word. New words (case

insensitive) are placed on a stack. Some words are known to the
system, and may represent commands; if a command finds itself at the

top of the stack (e.g. because it is the last thing you typed), they will
execute, remove themselves from the stack, and then remove further

items from the stack to use as arguments. Thus, in the command


the 3 has no immediate effect, so stays on the stack; SENSOR-TYPE

takes itself and the previous item (here 3) off the stack, then performs
its action on the 3 (here, setting the configured sensor type to 3,

representing a CMG-3T sensor).

If a command completes with nothing remaining on the stack, the
digitizer will show the prompt ok. Otherwise, the prompt will remind

you that the digitizer is waiting for you to complete the command.
Some commands, such as SAMPLES/SEC, clear the stack automatically

after they execute.

Some commands are interactive, and will ask you to provide extra
information after you execute them. In the following sections,

interactive commands are shown as example sessions, where
information you enter is given in medium and messages returning from

the DM24 are given in bold.

5.2 Getting help

The DM24 has an on-board help system which can be accessed with

the commands HELP and EXPLAIN.


Syntax: HELP

Lists all the commands which are recognized by the digitizer.

If the command you want is not listed:


Issue N