5 output configuration – Guralp Systems CMG-DM24 User Manual

Page 61

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Operator's guide

The USB interface is provided by an internal FTDI245 chip, which is

compatible with Microsoft Windows, Linux and Apple Macintosh

You can use the USB port only to connect to a computer, not directly

to a peripheral (e.g. a hard disk). If you want to download data to a
hard disk, you should specify the FireWire interface instead.

5.5 Output configuration


Syntax: tap-0 tap-1 tap-2 tap-3 samples/sec

The DSP software on the DM24 supports up to 7 cascaded

filter/decimation stages. At each stage, the sample rate can be divided
by a factor of 2, 4 or 5. The internal ADC outputs data at 2000 samples

per second, so decimated data streams are available from 1,000, 500
and 400 samples/sec down to 1 sample/sec.

You can specify the sample rate to use at four of these stages, known

as taps. You can also take output from any of these four stages. The
DM24 will arrange the remaining stages according to your settings.

The arguments tap-0 to tap-3 are the sample rates at each tap in

turn, starting with the highest. You must ensure that each rate is lower
than the previous one by a factor of 2, 4, 5, 8 (= 2 then 4), 10 (= 2 then

5) or 16 (= 4 then 4). Non-integer values are not allowed.

For example:

1000 125 25 5 samples/sec

1000 500 100 10 samples/sec

500 100 20 4 samples/sec

400 40 10 5 samples/sec

As long as you specify the initial taps, you can omit later ones. The

command fills in the value of the missing taps, using a decimation
factor of 2 where possible. Thus, the following commands are


400 40 20 10 samples/sec

400 40 samples/sec

October 2009