9 data storage and transmission, Show-flash – Guralp Systems CMG-DM24 User Manual
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Operator's guide
5.9 Data storage and transmission
Reports status information about the Flash memory in the DM24, if
fitted. For example, the output from SHOW-FLASH for a new system
with 8 × 64Mb chips fitted would look like this:
512MB Flash File buffer : 16 Blocks Written 0 Unread 524,288
Oldest data [16] Blank
Read point [16] Blank
Latest data [16] Blank
File Replay [16] Blank
For a system in use with 1 × 64Mb chip fitted, it might look like this:
64MB Flash File buffer : 65,536 Blocks Written 65,532 Unread
4 Free
Oldest data [36,272] GURALP TESTZ1 2003 12 3 20:20:41
Read point [36,272] GURALP TESTZ1 2003 12 3 20:20:41
Latest data [36,268] GURALP TESTX2 2003 12 4 10:09:12
File Replay [36,272] GURALP TESTZ1 2003 12 3 20:20:41
The first line displays general status information, namely the quantity
of Flash memory available (64MB Flash File buffer), how many 1k GCF
blocks have been written (65,536 Blocks Written), how many remain to
be transmitted (65,532 Unread), and how much space (in 1k blocks)
remains (4 Free).
The next lines show, in turn:
the stream and timestamp of the oldest data in memory;
the current position of the read pointer;
the stream and timestamp of the latest data in memory; and
the current position of the replay pointer.
The read pointer normally points to the oldest data in the file;
however, if all the data up to the replay pointer has already been
downloaded, the read pointer is set to the replay pointer and the
number of blocks remaining Unread is updated.
* Downloads where a time-period is not specified always start from the
read pointer.
October 2009