Guralp Systems CMG-DM24 User Manual

Page 76

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component specifies which component to adjust: 0, 1, 2, and 3 denote

the Z, N, E and X components of SENSOR A, and 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the
corresponding components of SENSOR B.

value specifies the adjustment to apply to the component.

* This command is in the extended dictionary: to use it, first type
ok-1 and finish with [seal].


This command is only available in units with a precision real-time

clock module fitted.


RE-SYNC ON instructs the DM24 to resynchronize the real-time clock
module to GPS time when a GPS fix is next obtained.

RE-SYNC OFF cancels a previous RE-SYNC ON instruction, so that

attaching a GPS module will no longer cause the DM24 to


This command is only available in units with a precision real-time
clock module fitted.

Syntax: ?LITHIUM

Query the current status of the RTC's internal battery. This command

is in the extended dictionary: to use it, first type ok-1 and finish with


Syntax: RE-BOOT (interactive)

Causes the DM24 to reboot after a delay of 2 s.


Confirm with 'y' ? y

Responding to the confirmation message with anything other than y

will abort the reboot.


Issue N