Combi-wheels – gf-primo & gf-secondo – Grip Factory Munich GF-Primo User Manual

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GF-Primo / GF-Secondo Dolly System Instruction Manual

Page: 16

Combi-Wheels – GF-Primo & GF-Secondo:

Combi-wheel Brake

Each Combi-wheel has a kick down brake for the studio /pneumatic wheels. The 2 Combi-
wheels at the rear of the dolly also have integrated track wheel brakes attached to the
standard wheel brake.

Disconnecting the wheels from the steering:

Combined Studio &
Track wheel brake
on rear 2 wheels.

Kick down to lock the
Studio & Track wheel

To disengage the wheels from
the steering e.g. use on curved
track, simply pull out the locking
pin and turn 90°

Locking pin
for steering

Locking pin to
remove Combi-

To remove the Combi-wheels
from the base, firstly disengage
the wheel from the steering and
then pull the lower smaller
locking pin out.
Note: To remove the wheel the
dolly must either be jacked up or
turned upside down. If jacked
up, hold the wheel securely
when pulling the locking pin as
the wheel will drop.

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