Gasboy FuelOmat Payment Terminal User Manual
Page 47

OrPT Manual
b. Set the window parameters as follows:
Parameter Name
Required Value
IP Address
Enter the IP address of the device
being configured. Each device has a
unique IP address.
Orpak default is
Subnet Mask
Enter a subnet mask for the IP
Default Gateway
Enter the IP address of the Default
Gateway through which the device
transfers the data to the Station
Controller. This IP number is entered
as default by the LAN. However, its
identity should be verified against the
IP number provided from the Station
The DHCP feature allocates IP
addresses to the devices dynamically.
Default: Disabled
MAC Address
A unique name identifying the device
Do not change the name, as
this could result in network
c. Click the Submit button to enter the selected data in the configuration of the device.
d. Click the next tab in the top Navigation Bar for the next step in the setup procedure.
Setting the System Parameters
The System Parameters window enables defining the system parameters for recovery. This window
defines the timeout when the device can independently attempt to connect to the LAN after voltage
failure (WD Communications) or when the communication has been severed (TCP Timeout).
To set the System Parameters, perform the following procedures:
a. Access the System Parameters window, seen in Figure 4-3, by clicking the System tab in the
Navigation Buttons.
b. Click on System tab in the Navigator Bar.