C.4 monitoring – Comtech EF Data CDM-625A User Manual

Page 586

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CDM-625A Advanced Satellite Modem


Appendix C

Revision 3


C.4 Monitoring

CAUTION – Comtech EF Data strongly cautions against the use of large values of

permitted power level increase under AUPC control. Users should consider using the

absolute minimum range necessary to improve rain-fade margin.

The remote demodulator’s value of Eb/No can be monitored at all times, either from the front

panel (SELECT: Monitor AUPC) or via the remote control interface. The resolution of the

reading is 0.2 dB. For all values greater than or equal to 16 dB, a value of 16.0 dB will be

displayed. As long as framing is enabled, the value will still be available, even though AUPC may

be disabled.

The current value of Tx power increase is also displayed. If EDMAC framing is enabled but AUPC

is disabled, this will indicate 0.0 dB. This value is also available via the remote control interface.

If IP-ACM mode is selected, then distant-end Eb/No monitoring is done through the

ACM monitor functions. In the IP-ACM case, the displayed resolution is 0.1 dB.