Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 99

A djustm entofthe stopper
C aution:R isk ofinjury!
S w itch the m ain sw itch off.
C heck and adjustthe top feed only w ith the sew ing unitsw itched off.
S tandard and checking
W hen the needle point(com ing from below )is 5 m m above the throat
plate,turn the stopper1 dow nw ards untilthe top feed-dog starts
m oving upw ards.
M ove the needle in its low erreversalpointby handw heeland then
upw ards again untilitis 5 m m above the throatplate.
C heck w hetherthe top feed starts m oving upw ards now .
C orrection
M ove the needle in its low erreversalpointby handw heeland then
upw ards again untilitis 5 m m above the throatplate.
Loosen counternut2.
Turn the stopper1 dow nw ards untilthe top feed-dog starts m oving
upw ards.
Tighten counternut2.