Beisler 1265-5 User Manual

Page 101

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U pperand low erknife


C hanging and adjusting the upperknife

C aution:R isk ofinjury!

S w itch the m ain sw itch off.

E xchange and adjustthe upperknife only w ith the sew ing unit
sw itched off.

S tandard

In the low estposition ofthe upperknife the frontedge ofthe blade
should be 0.5 to 1.0 m m underneath the top edge ofthe throatplate.

C orrection

R em ove the fabric sliding sheet.

S w ivelthe sew ing footout.

Turn the handw heeluntilthe needles are in theirtop reversalpoint
and sw ivelthe sew ing footout.

S crew offscrew 1.

R em ove the knife holder2 w ith the knife.

Loosen screw 3 and rem ove the knife.

Inserta new ,sharp knife and tighten w ith screw 3.

Insertknife holder2 and tighten slightly w ith screw 1.

Turn the handw heeluntilthe knife is in its low estposition.

S hiftthe knife in such a w ay thatitslightly abuts on the low erknife
and the frontedge ofthe blade is approx.0.5 to 1.0 m m
underneath the top edge ofthe throatplate.