Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 91

Sew ing footpressure (slightpressure)
S tandard and checking
The sew ing footpressure ofthe spring (slightpressure)m ustbe as
high as to guarantee a constantstitch length overthe w hole seam
course w hen sew ing w ithouttop feed.
S ew a testseam .
C heck the stitch length ofthe w hole seam course.
C orrection
Turn the setting w heel1 correspondingly.
In clockw ise direction = highersew ing footpressure
C ounter-clockw ise = low ersew ing footpressure
Sew ing footpressure (high pressure)
The high sew ing footpressure is setvia setting w heel2 and can be
read offatthe m anom eter3.
Turn the setting w heel2 correspondingly.
In clockw ise direction = highersew ing footpressure
C ounter-clockw ise = low ersew ing footpressure