Beisler 1265-5 User Manual

Page 30

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Seam program s

In the program controlm em ory up to 20 program s (M 01 -M 20)can be
program m ed.U p to 8 seam s w ith the corresponding seam num bercan
be assigned to every program .

The seam s differby the controlparam eters assigned during the
program m ing process as w ellas by the controlfunctions engaged.


Factory-setprogram s

The sew ing unitis provided w ith ten program s preprogram m ed by the
m anufacturer.

P rogr.N o S eam N o.

S equence

M 01


H ind trousers:crotch seam -sew ing startat
the w aistband

M 02


H ind trousers:side seam -sew ing startat
the w aistband

M 03

6 /7

Fronttrousers:crotch and side seam
alternately lining on top -sew ing startatthe
w aistband

M 04

5 /4

Fronttrousers:side and crotch seam
alternately lining below -sew ing startatthe
w aistband

M 05

4 /5

Fronttrousers:crotch and side seam
alternately lining below -sew ing startatthe
w aistband (P rogram forsew ing units w ith
fusing station and photocell15)

M 06

5 /4

Fronttrousers:side and crotch seam alternately
lining below -sew ing startatthe hem
(P rogram forsew ing units w ith fusing station
and photocell15)

M 07

7 /5

Fronttrousers:side seam w ith pocketbag
lining on top and below alternately (w ith
m ovable stop)

M 08

4 /6

Fronttrousers:crotch seam ,lining below and
on top alternately

M 09


Follow -up sew ing

M 10


P rogram w ith preseam s

M 11 -20


P reseam s

W aistband seam s,fly seam s and hem seam s can be overlocked

The features ofthe preseam s are setin an ow n param eterlist.These
settings becom e only effective if“preseam s”are activated in the seam
program .

C rotch and side seam s

C rotch and side seam s can eitherbe overlocked in individualseparate
sew ing operations orprocessed as com bined sew ing operation w ith
seam alteration.

The preprogram m ed seam s are activated atthe controlpanelby rapid

Identicalstitch pattern

Ifitis required thatthe crotch seam and the side seam have an equal
stitch pattern,the knee lining has alw ays to be fed in the sam e position
(alw ays below ).
The trousers partis firstpositioned atthe w aistband and then atthe
hem (only possible w ith fusing station).