O peration ofthe control – Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 26

O peration ofthe control
O peratorterm inal
The operatorterm inalis the display and inputm edium ofthe m achine
control.In the operatorterm inalthe m icroprocessorforthe controlof
the sew ing unitand the storage m edia (E P R O M )forsecuring the
program controlare installed.
K ey
S lot
P rogram stop
M em ory C ard
N um eric pad
D isplay
A rrow keys
Function keys
K ey
C allup access level2 ofthe userm enu
S w itch on m anualsew ing
S electseam param eters /m achine functions
S electm achine param eters
S electseam param eters /m achine functions
A ctivate stacking process
S w itch on threading m ode
E nterkey
S electprogram m ing m ode
C allup m em ory (program s M 10 -20)
D irectprogram selection/Inputofnum ericalvalues