Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 102

C hanging and adjusting the low erknife
C aution:R isk ofinjury!
S w itch the m ain sw itch off.
E xchange and adjustthe low erknife only w ith the sew ing unit
sw itched off.
S tandard
The blade ofthe low erknife has to be flush w ith the top edge ofthe
C orrection
R em ove the fabric sliding sheet.
S w ivelthe sew ing footout.
Loosen screw 4.
D raw the holderofthe low erknife 3 to the leftas faras itw illgo
and tighten screw 4 slightly.
Loosen screw 2 and rem ove the old knife.
Inserta new ,sharp knife in guide 1 in such a w ay thatthe blade is
flush w ith the top edge ofthe throatplate.
Tighten screw 2.
Turn the handw heeluntilthe upperknife is in its highestposition.
Loosen screw 4 and letthe holderofthe low erknife 3 spring
againstthe upperknife.
Tighten screw 4.