Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 56

F3 = D iagnostics
The m enu D IA G N O S TIC S includes service functions fortesting sew ing
units,aggregates as w ellas the initiators foractivating the aggregates.
F1 = S ervice test
F1 = M em ory test
F1 = E E P R O M 2K
F2 = E E P R O M 8K
F3 = R A M 8K
F4 = I/O M odule long-term test
F5 = I/O A nalog output
F6 = Furthertests
F1 = R S 232 Test
F2 = I/O A daptertest
F3 = C om m unication test
F4 = S ew ing head test
F1 = A ctivating the sew ing m otor
F2 = S ew ing m otorand puller
F3 = E jector
F4 = Top feed
F5 = D ifferential
F6 = R eference value transm itter
P ress key “P ”.
The program m ing levelis called up.
P ress key “F3”.
The function D IA G N O S TIC S is called up.
C allup the testfunctions.
N ote
These service functions should only be carried outunderthe guidance
ofthe B eislerservice departm entorin cooperation w ith experienced
service personnel.
A ttention:R isk ofbreakage!
D uring the tests individualm achine aggregates orm achine sequences
are started.Ifcom ponents have been disassem bled com pletely or
partially orifthey are notoperational,m achine com ponents m ay be
dam aged.
M ake a testonly w hen the m achine is ready foroperation.
F1 = S ervice test/F1 = M em ory test
A lldata in the m em ories are deleted.
F1 = E E P R O M 2K
F2 = E E P R O M 8K
F3 = R A M 8K