Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 49

Seam starting m ode
Tw o starting m odes ofthe sew ing sequence are available:
Startby photocell(autom atic sequence)
Startby footpedal
A ltering the starting m ode
P ress key “F1”.
You getto the userlevel2.
P ress key “F4”.
P edalstartforseam off
P edalstartforseam on
A ctivating the sew ing m otor
Fortesting the m achine head the sew ing m otorcan be activated.
P ress key “F1”.
You getto the userlevel2.
P ress key “F5”and keep itpressed.
The sew ing m otorruns as long as the key “F5”is pressed.
R esetting the daily piece counter
P ress key “F1”.
You getto the userlevel2.
P ress key “F7”.
The daily piece counteris resetto “0".