Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 83

A djustm entin sew ing direction
S tandard and checking
W hen the righthook crosses the lefthook,the distance “A ”should
am ountto 0.5 m m and the distance “B ”to 0.1 m m .
C orrection
Turn handw heelin direction ofrotation untilthe righthook crosses
the lefthook.
Loosen screw 2.
Turn and shiftthe righthook in such a w ay thatthe distance “A ”
am ounts to 0.5 m m and the distance “B ”to 0.1 m m .
Tighten screw 2.
C heck alladjustm ents once again and readjust,ifnecessary.
R em ountthread guides 1 and 2 as w ellas cover3.
A djustthread guides according to chapter“thread regulation ofthe
overlock hooks”.
N ote
The rightoverlock hook is dependenton the needle size.
U se hook N o.28 forneedles N m 60 -80 and hook N o.22 forneedles
N m 80 -100.