B riefinstructions forthe sew ing head – Beisler 1265-5 User Manual

Page 79

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B riefinstructions forthe sew ing head


A djusting the needle barheight

C aution:R isk ofinjury!

S w itch the m ain sw itch off.

C heck and adjustthe heightofthe needle baronly w ith the sew ing unit
sw itched off.

S tandard and checking

In the top dead centre ofthe needle barthe distance betw een the
needle point4 and the throatplate should am ountto 10.4 -10.6 m m .

M ove the needle barin its top dead centre.

C heck w hetherthe distance betw een needle point4 and throat
plate 5 am ounts to 10.4 -10.6 m m .

C orrection

U nscrew screw s 1 and rem ove cover2.

M ove the needle barin its top dead centre.

S w ivelthe sew ing footout.

Loosen screw 3 untilthe needle barcan justbe pushed.

S hiftthe needle barin such a w ay thatthe distance betw een
needle point4 and throatplate 5 am ounts to 10.4 -10.6 m m .

Tighten screw 3.

S crew cover2 on again.