Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 90
Sew ing footinclination
C aution:R isk ofinjury!
S w itch the m ain sw itch off.
C heck and adjustthe sew ing footonly w ith the sew ing unitsw itched
S tandard and checking
S ew ing footinclination (cross-line)
Itshould be possible to pulla 0.025 m m thick brass foil2 from under
the rightpartofsew ing foot1 w ith a slightclam ping effect.
O n the leftside 3 the brass foilm ustbe clam ped.
P lace the brass foilunderthe sew ing foot.
M ove the feed-dogs in position “dow n”.
C heck the sew ing footposition w ith the brass foil2.
C orrection
Loosen screw 7 atthe sew ing foot.
A djustthe sew ing footinclination.
Tighten screw 7.
S ew ing footinclination (in sew ing direction)
S crew 4 should liftthe sew ing footatthe frontin such a w ay thatthe
brass foilcan be pushed 5 to 6 m m in frontofthe needle.
S crew 6 m ustabuton the sew ing footin this position.
P lace the brass foilunderthe sew ing foot.
M ove the feed-dogs in position “dow n”.
C heck the sew ing footposition w ith the brass foil5.
C orrection
Turn screw 4 correspondingly.
Letscrew 6 abuton the sew ing foot.
N ote
A fterthe adjustm entthe sew ing footinclination has to be checked
once again.