Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 57

F1 = S ervice test/F4 = I/O M O D U LE LO N G -TE R M TE S T
A ttention:R isk ofinjury!
A lloutputs are autom atically sw itched one afterthe other.
F4 = S ew ing head test/F1 = A C TIVA TIN G TH E S E W IN G M O TO R
The currentspeed is com pared w ith the idealspeed ofthe sew ing
m otor.
E nterthe speed atthe num eric pad.
P ress key “E N T”.
The m otorstarts,the currentspeed is m easured and indicated.
The m easured speed can be com pared w ith the testspeed.
P ress key “P ”.
The testis finished.
F4 = S ew ing head test/F2 = S E W IN G M O TO R A N D P U LLE R
Testofthe step m otors.
F4 = S ew ing head test/F3 = E JE C TO R
Testofthe ejecting section.
F4 = S ew ing head test/F4 = Top feed
Testofthe top feed function
F4 = S ew ing head test/F5 = D ifferential
Testofthe differentialfeed function
F4 = S ew ing head test/F6 = R eference value transm itter
Testofthe reference value transm itter
F5 = A dditionalprogram s
F2 = S ystem update
A system update can be carried out.
P ress key “P ”.
The program m ing m enus are called up.
P ress key “F5”.
The function A D D ITIO N A L P R O G R A M S is called up.
P ress key “F2”.
The function “system update”is called up.
S electthe requested function.
F1 = E prom -> C ard
F2 = C ard -> E prom
F3 = Text-> C ard
F4 = C ard -> Texts
F5 = R S 232 -> C ard