Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 53

F3 = C opying the seam num ber (program num ber)
The currentprogram is overw ritten.
P ress key “P ”.
The program m ing levelis called up.
P ress key “F1”.
The function IN IT PA R A M E TE R is called up.
P ress key “F3”.
The function C O P Y IN G O F S E A M N U M B E R is called up.
E nterthe num berofthe program to be copied via the num eric pad.
P ress key “E N T”.
C onfirm the copying.
The display indicates *O K P LE A S E W A IT!*.This is a hintthatthe
copying is being carried out.
Finally the display ofthe program show s the program num berw ith
the seam s.
F4 = D eleting a seam program
A program consists ofseveralseam s.
The contents ofthese seam s,the seam param eters,can be deleted
com pletely.
The currentprogram cannotbe deleted.
P ress key “P ”.
The program m ing levelis called up.
P ress key “F1”.
The function IN IT PA R A M E TE R is called up.
P ress key “F4”.
The function D E LE TE S E A M is called up.
E nterthe num berofthe seam to be deleted w ith one ofthe keys
“1”to “9”.
P ress key “P ”.
Startthe deleting procedure.
The display indicates a checkback
“A R E Y O U S U R E ?*
P ress key “E N T”.
The new setting is stored and you return to the selection m enu.
The display indicates *O K P LE A S E W A IT!*.This is a hintthatthe
deleting procedure is being carried out.