D escription ofproduct – Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
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D escription ofproduct
D escription ofproperuse
The 1265/5 is a sew ing unitw hich can properly be used forsew ing
lightto m edium -w eightm aterial.S uch m aterialis,as a rule,m ade of
textile fibres.These m aterials are used in the garm entindustry.
In generalonly dry m aterialm ustbe sew n on this m achine.The
m aterialm ustnotcontain any hard objects.
The seam is generally m ade w ith core thread,polyesterfibre
orcotton threads.
The dim ensions forneedle and hook threads can be taken from the
table in chapter 4.2.
B efore using any otherthreads itis necessary to estim ate the
consequentialdangers and to take the respective safety m easures,if
This sew ing unitm ustonly be installed and operated in dry and
w ell-keptroom s.Ifthe sew ing unitis used in otherroom s,w hich are
notdry and w ell-kept,furtherm easures to be agreed upon m ay
becom e necessary (see E N 60204-31 :1999).
W e,as m anufacturerofindustrialsew ing m achines,assum e thatat
leastsem i-skilled operating personnelw illbe w orking on ourproducts
so thatallusualoperations and,w here applicable,theirrisks are
presum ed to be know n.
B riefdescription
The B eisler 1265/5 is a single-head sew ing unitforserging oftrousers
parts w ith and w ithoutknee lining.The overlocking ofthe seatand fly
bow as w ellas ofthe trousers hem can be integrated.
O ptionally you can w ork w ith orw ithouta hotfusing station (lining on
top /lining below ).
A llsew ing unitcom ponents are m ounted on a stand w elded ofsquare
steeltubes and controlled by a m icroprocessorsystem .
The sew ing unitis operated via a controlpanel.H ere itis possible to
callup various controlprogram s,to define new program s and to check
allinputs and outputs form aintenance and repairpurposes.
M achine head
P egasus tw o-orthree-thread overlock m achine
E X T 5204-02 w ith top feed
S eparate step m otorcontrolfortop feed and differentialfeed,for
setting the desired lining fullness,also forstretch fabrics
M icroprocessorcontrol,freely program m able
S ew ing drive E fka D C 1500
A utom atic fullness distribution atthe side seam and crotch seam ,
program m able
H eight-adjustable edge guide fordifferentm aterialthicknesses
A utom atic contourguide,controlled via step m otor
E jectorvia step m otorforprecise chain separating and positioning
the trousers before stacking