Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 85
Frontneedle protection
C aution:R isk ofinjury!
S w itch the m ain sw itch off.
C heck and adjustthe needle protection only w ith the sew ing unit
sw itched off.
S tandard and checking
W hen the tip ofthe lefthook is atthe levelofthe m iddle ofthe needle,
the distance betw een the frontneedle protection 1 and the needle
should am ountto 0.1 -0.2 m m .
Turn handw heelin direction ofrotation untilthe needle is in its
low erdead centre.
C heck the position ofthe frontneedle protection.
C orrection
Turn handw heelin direction ofrotation untilthe needle is in its
low erdead centre.
Loosen screw 2.
S hiftthe needle protection 1 in such a w ay thatthere is a distance
of0.1 -0.2 m m betw een needle protection and needle.
Tighten screw 2.