Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 88

Synchronous run ofdifferentialfeed-dog and m ain feed-dog
S tandard
The zero position ofthe step m otors is determ ined by the reference
disk 3.Itcovers the proxim ity sw itch 2 w hen referencing.
C orrection
S etthe value 50 forthe basic position ofthe differentialfeed in the
program .
A ctuate the resetsw itch.
M ove the bottom feed to the frontreversalpointby turning the
handw heel.
M easure the distance from the frontedge ofthe frontfeed-dog to
the hind edge ofthe hind feed-dog.
M ove the bottom feed to the rearreversalpointby turning the
handw heel.
M easure the distance again.
The difference betw een the frontand hind distance m ustnot
exceed 0 m m to + 0.02 m m atthe rearreversalpoint.
S hould the difference exceed + 0.02 m m ,this m eans thatthe feed
stretches the m aterial.
The adjustm entofthe differentialfeed has to be changed to “plus”.
A fteropening the clam ping screw 1 the reference disk 3 has to be
turned dow nw ards (tow ards the proxim ity sw itch)and fixed again
by the clam ping screw 1.
S hould the difference be below 0 m m ,this m eans thatthe feed
distributes fullness.Thus the adjustm entofthe differentialfeed has
to be changed to “m inus”.
A fteropening the clam ping screw 1 the reference disk 3 has to be
turned upw ards (aw ay from the proxim ity sw itch)and fixed again by
the clam ping screw 1.
M easure the distance again.
R epeatthe setting,ifrequired.