Beisler 1265-5 User Manual

Page 105

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A djusting the contourguide

C aution:R isk ofinjury!

S w itch the m ain sw itch off.

A djustthe contourguide only w ith the sew ing unitsw itched off.

1.Q uick adjustm entofheight

The rough setting ofthe m aterialthickness is setand read offatthe
setting w heel2.4 steps are available.

Step 1 = 0.8 m m

Step 2 = 1.6 m m

Step 3 = 2.4 m m

Step 4 = 3.2 m m

S etthe desired m aterialthickness atthe setting w heel2.

2.Fine adjustm entofheight

The presetting via the quick adjustm entofheight2 is readjusted by the
fine adjustm entofheight1.

S tandard

The sliding plate 3 ofthe contourguide should be low ered as m uch as
possible.The fabric should slide underneath the sliding plate as easily
as possible.

P ush the fabric underthe sliding plate.

A ctuate outputY 3 to low erthe sliding plate.

Turn the setting screw 1 counter-clockw ise untilthe sliding plate
rests on the fabric.

C heck w hetherthe fabric is easy-gliding.Forthis purpose guide
the fabric underneath the sliding plate.