Beisler 1265-5 User Manual
Page 19

Throw -overstacker
The finished w orkpieces are stacked on the throw -overstacker2.
The stacked and clam ped w orkpieces can be rem oved by actuating the
footsw itch 1.
The stackeris activated by a controlpulse.The pneum atic functions
can be taken from the pneum atic w iring diagram .
C aution:R isk ofinjury!
D o notreach into the w orking area ofthe throw -overstackerduring the
stacking operation.
M anualstacking
P ress key F7 atthe controlpanel.
A stacking process is carried out.
R em oving stacked parts
A ctuate footsw itch 1 and keep itactuated.
R em ove the stacked parts.