6 transition section – Analog Way VERTIGE - Ref. VRC300 User Manual User Manual
Page 38
5.6 Transition section
5.6 Transition section
Within the transition section, you will find how to TAKE your configuration on the Program.
You have different options:
• The T-bar for a manual smooth transition
• The Take button for an automatic timed transition
• Independent faders for a manual transition per screen
Below each fader you will find a screen button, you can use the left/right arrow to move this screen list. Each
fader will transition the screen which is written on the button.
You can stop a transition for a screen, and start transitioning another screen ; each screen is independent
from the others.
You can lock/unlock a screen by pressing its corresponding LCD key:
- Yellow color means the screen is ‘active’ (unlocked) and is therefore allowed to make a transition.
- Blue color means the screen is ‘inactive’ (locked) and is not allowed anymore to make a transition or progress
into one.
Note that this state is stored / recalled when saving / loading a preset.
Note that the preset page on the touch screen displays the same screens, and allows you to lock/unlock them
as well by pressing the screen status area.
Below the T-bar, you will find a transition time for each screen. When you take with the automatic TAKE
button, the preset will take giving the chosen transition time for each screen.
You can adjust the transition time at any moment, even after loading a preset.