Operating the vertige, 1 layer section, 1 selecting layers from the touchscreen – Analog Way VERTIGE - Ref. VRC300 User Manual User Manual
Page 32: 3 selecting layers on program vs preview
5.1.1 Selecting layers from the touchscreen
To be able to make a source selection using the Vertige™ console, you must first select at least one layer.
The Vertige™ layer selection buttons are powerful tools for fast and efficient selection of layers for source
selection and layer manipulation.
Layers which are selected will be highlighted on the touchscreen. At any time, you may have zero, one, or
many layers selected on either Program or Preview. To select a layer, there are several options:
5.1.1 Selecting layers from the touchscreen
At any time when the Preset Page is open, a layer may be selected by directly touching it on the touchscreen.
Touching another layer will release your current selection and select the new layer.
To select multiple layers, or remove a layer from your selection, you will need to use the selection modifier
keys on the Vertige™ keyboard. i.e. [+] and [-].
5.1.2 Selecting layers from the layer selection buttons
At any time, a layer or group of layers may be selected by directly pressing one of the layer selection buttons.
There are several blocks of buttons within the Layer section:
• Select layers by Screen
The first block of buttons is used to select/deselect all layers on a given Screen. After using the arrow keys to
navigate to the desired screen, pressing the large LCD button at the center of this group will select all of the
layers on the desired screen on Program or Preview (or its native layer when the Native mode is enabled).
For example, if you press Screen 2, all of the layers on screen 2 will be selected.
• Select layers by Layer depth
The second block of buttons is used to select/deselect all layers at a specific depth. After using the arrow keys
to navigate to the desired depth, pressing the large LCD button at the center of this group will select all of the
layers at the desired depth on all screens on Program or Preview.
For example, if you press “layer 3”, all layers with the depth 3 will be selected on all screens.
5.1.3 Selecting layers on Program vs Preview
At all times of operation, the focus of the preset editing will always be on either Program or Preview. If you
are working on Program, the large
button will be lit, and the Program section will be highlighted
on the touchscreen. If you are working on Preview, the
button will be lit, and the Preview section
will be highlighted on the touchscreen.
5.1 Layer section
When the Native mode is enabled, all buttons used to select/deselect a specific depth are
useless and turned off.