AMETEK XG Family Programmable DC User Manual
Page 379

Rack Mount Options and Installation Instructions
M370430-01 Rev E
After a short delay, your power supply will be found. See
Figure E-. If the power supply is not found or the found device is
not reachable, contact your network administrator for details about
network settings.
If the IP address shown and the method that the XG unit is
using to obtain this address is correct, stop here and exit/close
this window. Otherwise, continue to step 4.
Expand the Local Area Connection tree; if necessary, expand
further until the IP address of the XG unit is displayed. Then
left click the IP address; the screen should display as shown in
Figure E-10.
Figure E-10 IP Address Details Window
Do NOT use the Assign IP button in the tool bar, upper left of this
window. The IP address is assigned using Steps 5 through 9 that follow.