Roller pressure – Drylam PRO-LAM PL1200-HP User Manual
Page 54
Roller Pressure:
Roller pressure is adjusted by turning the cap screws on the top of the laminator.
More pressure may be needed if a thicker stock is being used, and an edge seal is desired. Keep in mind
that there are limitations to what your laminator can do. These limitations depend on film thickness and
paper thickness. Our PL1200 hp, which is our 12” model, is capable of putting an edge seal on index
stock with 1.8-mil film. Our 27” laminator is capable of just putting an edge seal on card stock with 1.8-
mil film. For example, though the 27” is capable of an edge seal on 1.8 mil and cardstock it may not be
able to put an edge seal on card stock when two pieces of cardstock are side by side. In contrast, if a
thicker film were used, such as, five mil, you should be able to laminate card stock side by side and
achieve a satisfactory edge seal
If you are trying to get an edge seal on thicker stock, especially with thinner film, you may notice some
stretching or wrinkling around the corners of the lamination in many cases this is simply due to a film
choice as different films will respond differently. If you are using thick paper in order to end up with a
lamination that has more body, it may be more viable to use a thinner paper with a thicker laminate to do
When making adjustments take note of how much each screw is turned when adjusting, this way one can
make sure that each side is evenly adjusted left to right and also easily returned to the factory setting
When adjusting the pressure you should find a definite point at which roller pressure is to the minimum,
this is characterized by an instant point at which the adjustment screws are easier to turn. What you feel
at this point is the bottom of the adjustment knob failing to make contact with the spring pad when the
spring pad is at its uppermost position (when applying pressure make sure that this point is used as a
starting point. When the pressure knobs are fully relieved there is a certain amount of preload that still
exists on the rollers.
Wide Format:
The wider laminators 38” and 44 “ models are very sensitive to roller pressure, the roller pressure
adjustments on the wide format laminators have less to do with edge seal and more to do with surface
On the wide format laminators, it is possible to get enough pressure on the rollers that they actually bow.
If you notice the film is coming around the roller smoothly but when the laminator is run there is air
pockets in the center or the film adheres poorly to the center it is possible that you have too much
pressure on the rollers.
Mounting / foam board:
Typically, when mounting to 3/16” foam board it is desirable to use normal or less pressure. If the
primary use of the machine is for mounting, it is recommended that the roller pressure be relieved.
When mounting, it may be necessary to guide the item through the machine, especially when the item
goes through the rear rollers. This may take a little push to keep the machine from stalling when there is
roller pressure and the laminator is running very slowly
Single sided:
During single sided lamination, it is best to use as little pressure as possible on the front and rear rollers.
For single sided laminating, roller pressures play an important role in a flat lamination. For the more
experienced user it may be found that by using a small amount of rear roller pressure it will tend to curl
the laminate down