Block floating point scaling, Block floating point scaling -1 – Altera FFT MegaCore Function User Manual

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Block Floating Point Scaling





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Block-floating-point (BFP) scaling is a trade-off between fixed-point and full floating-point FFTs.
In fixed-point FFTs, the data precision needs to be large enough to adequately represent all intermediate

values throughout the transform computation. For large FFT transform sizes, an FFT fixed-point

implementation that allows for word growth can make either the data width excessive or can lead to a loss

of precision.
Floating-point FFTs represents each number as a mantissa with an individual exponent. The improved

precision is offset by demand for increased device resources.
In a block-floating point FFT, all of the values have an independent mantissa but share a common

exponent in each data block. Data is input to the FFT function as fixed point complex numbers (even

though the exponent is effectively 0, you do not enter an exponent).
The block-floating point FFT ensures full use of the data width within the FFT function and throughout

the transform. After every pass through a radix-4 FFT, the data width may grow up to log


(42) = 2.5 bits.

The data scales according to a measure of the block dynamic range on the output of the previous pass. The

FFT accumulates the number of shifts and then outputs them as an exponent for the entire block. This

shifting ensures that the minimum of least significant bits (LSBs) are discarded prior to the rounding of

the post-multiplication output. In effect, the block-floating point representation is as a digital automatic

gain control. To yield uniform scaling across successive output blocks, you must scale the FFT function

output by the final exponent.
In comparing the block-floating point output of the Altera FFT MegaCore function to the output of a full

precision FFT from a tool like MATLAB, you must scale the output by 2 (–exponent_out) to account for

the discarded LSBs during the transform.
Unlike an FFT block that uses floating point arithmetic, a block-floating-point FFT block does not

provide an input for exponents. Internally, a complex value integer pair is represented with a single scale

factor that is typically shared among other complex value integer pairs. After each stage of the FFT, the

largest output value is detected and the intermediate result is scaled to improve the precision. The

exponent records the number of left or right shifts used to perform the scaling. As a result, the output

magnitude relative to the input level is:



For example, if


= –3, the input samples are shifted right by three bits, and hence the magnitude

of the output is




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