Starting a powerpoint session – Turning Technologies Response User Manual

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Response User’s Guide

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Starting a PowerPoint Session

If you are using PowerPoint to present your questions, it is very important that you follow this

procedure in preparation for your session. We recommend you launch Response first and start a

new session and have your student’s join the RF class prior to starting you PowerPoint show.

1. Start your PowerPoint presentation.

When you start your PowerPoint lecture

slide show, Response detects the presence

of question slides in the slide show and

automatically switches the session into

PowerPoint Mode.

2. Select the Class and click OK.

3. To advance questions, you simply advance the PowerPoint slide as you normally

would. Each slide that has a Response question will maximize the Session Toolbar.

If there are no Response Questions on a slide, the Session Toolbar will be


4. To start a question click the

Start/Pause Button located on the

toolbar. Each slide with a Response

question will need to be started.

5. When you are finished with your PowerPoint lesson, you can either exit out of slide

show mode or click on the End Session button from the session toolbar.

6. To view your session data click on the Manage My Data button from the Response

main screen.