Editing a question in the test key – Turning Technologies Response User Manual

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Response User’s Guide

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8. Click on the Save button. The question will be listed in the pane below the question

profile pane. The question number displayed in the profile pane's title bar is

automatically incremented so you can go to the next question after clicking save.

9. When you have entered all the questions that will be included in this test key, click

on the Next button to begin setting up the next test key.

10. When you have finished setting up all of your test keys, they will be displayed in the

Confirm pane. Click on the Finish button when you have reviewed your test keys.

Editing a Question in the Test Key


Editing a key will only change the answer key for future sessions and will not

propagate thru existing sessions.

1. Highlight the answer key in the Manage My Data section of Response.

2. Double-click on the question you want to edit. The

Edit Test window appears.

3. Select the test number which you wish to edit

and click OK.

4. Select the question which you wish to edit. It is

redisplayed in the Question profile pane.

5. Make your changes to the question profile and click on the Save button to save the

edits to the question. The question profile pane is still in Edit Mode.