Response window tour, Select database, Setup my hardware – Turning Technologies Response User Manual
Page 12: Create a new class, Manage my data, Simple view

Response User’s Guide
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P a g e
Response Window Tour
Select Database
A Response database is a file with a file extension of .prs. This file is where you save
your class information, lessons and questions, standards, and student performance data
for sessions already administered. The system is set up with a default database, so you
can start using it right away. You also have the option of creating your own database if
you share your computer with other instructors.
Setup My Hardware
This opens the eInstruction Device Manager, where you can setup and troubleshoot
the receiver, enable the instructor Student Response Pad, or configure Student
Response Pads.
Create A New Class
Though Response comes with a premade class, you may use the New Class Wizard
to create additional classes. It walks you through every step required to set up your
class, from naming it to creating or importing the class roster.
Collect Responses
There are a variety of ways of collecting your students' responses in your database
such as asking questions on the fly (impromptu), using PowerPoint, Self-Paced
testing, or Homework collection.
Manage My Data
This is where you will manage your classes, class rosters, session data, class
attendance, and class gradebooks. In addition, you can do the following:
• Create and manage your lessons and the questions in each lesson.
• Import standards for your state.
• Set up answer keys.
• Analyze and compile your data into a variety of useful reports.
Simple View
This button will allow you to collapse the Response window to only show the
Collect Responses and Manage My Data buttons. This feature is useful once you
have initially set-up your system.