Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
Page 43

ExamView Assessment Suite
remedial instruction activities to help with re-teaching. The report shows the questions that fall above your set threshold, the
question type, class average, state or learning objective, and hyperlinked keywords and state standards associated with the
Remedial instruction is provided through netTrekker d.i. You must have an active netTrekker d.i. account to access the
resources. To learn more about netTrekker, visit
Class Roster
The Class Roster report generates
an alphabetical list of the students in
a particular class. You can create a
filter to include all of the class or
selected students. Additionally, you
can customize the Class Roster
report by including the supplemental
student information (i.e., ID/alias,
password, grade, date of birth,
sociological/economic, etc.).
You might use this report to have a
printed record of the ID/alias and
password for each of the students in
each class. You could then
reference this printout if a student
forgets his/her ID, alias, or
password. However, to maintain
privacy of the IDs, you would want
to keep the printout in a safe place where students and others could not access the information.
Learning Focus
The Learning Focus report provides a wealth of
information to help you identify areas where your
class (as a whole) needs to focus their learning
efforts. To use this report effectively, the
assignments you create must consistently
include data for one or more of the following
fields: learning objective, local standard, state
standard, or national standard.
One of the key advantages of using the
ExamView Test Manager is that you can easily
gather performance data over multiple
assessments. The report shows the number of
items for each standard. That way, you can
gauge whether a standard was adequately
covered. You can select one or more
assignments by category or by date. You must
also identify a focus range (e.g., 0% - 70%). The
program produces a report that shows each
standard (or learning objective), the number of questions assessed for that standard, class average, how many students are in
the focus range, and how many are proficient.