Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
Page 10

ExamView Assessment Suite
Select one of the question selection options from the Select menu, or click the corresponding toolbar button.
Select Randomly – Choose this option if you want to select questions randomly. You can choose the number
of questions you want for each question type (e.g., multiple choice, true/false, short answer, etc.).
Select from a List – If you have a printout of your question banks, manually review the questions and choose
which you want to include on a test by documenting the question numbers. You are then able to select the
question numbers from a list.
Select While Viewing – Use this option if you want to view the questions and make your selections
individually while viewing them.
Select by Standard – If your questions include learning objectives, local standards, state standards, or
national standards, use this option to easily select questions based on this information.
Select by Criteria – Choose this option to select questions that match criteria you enter. For example, you
can select all of the multiple choice questions that cover a certain topic and include specific keywords.
Select All – Choose this option if you want to quickly select all of the questions in a bank or group of banks.
Identify which question banks you want to use to create
the test. Highlight one or more question banks and click
Select. The question banks you select appear in the lower
portion of the window. Click Next to move to the next step.
If the question bank(s) you want does not
appear in the list, click Folder to locate the
question bank(s).
Use the options provided to select the questions that will
appear on your test.
Depending on which question selection option you chose,
ExamView Test Generator displays a window with the options you need to build a test.
If you need help using any of the selection options, click Help for detailed instructions.
Optionally, change the appearance of the test, print the test, or publish it online.
Save the test.