Exporting assignment results, Exporting detailed assignment results, Results from scanners – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
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ExamView Assessment Suite
Exporting Assignment Results
Open ExamView Test Manager and open or create a class file with at least one assignment.
Click File from the menu bar, mouse over Export and select the target LMS.
Complete the export dialog options and click OK to export the assignment results.
Select the location where you want to save the exported file, enter a file name, and click Save.
The results are saved as a CSV file.
Log in to your LMS and upload the exported assignment results.
Exporting Detailed Assignment Results
In addition to supporting formats for uploading into various LMS platforms, a Detailed Results as Text option allows an
assignment to be exported with information about individual questions (not simply overall scores) as well as exporting student
demographic information (not just name and ID). This export feature is useful for bringing assignments into other grade book or
data analysis solutions.
At least one assignment must already exist in the class file
Open ExamView Test Manager and open or create a class
file with at least one assignment.
Click File from the menu bar, mouse over Export and
select Detailed Results as Text.
The export dialog opens.
Complete the export dialog options and click OK to export
the detailed assignment results.
Select the save location, enter a file name, and click
The results are saved as a CSV file.
Login to your LMS and upload the exported assignment results.
Results from Scanners
ExamView Test Manager currently supports a variety of scanner models and forms that allow you to collect student
assignment results. Visit the eInstruction by Turning Technologies website
to-date list of ExamView supported scanners and form options.
This section covers the following topics:
Getting Results from a Dedicated OMR Scanner
Getting Results from a Plain-Paper Scanner (PC Only)