Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
Page 42

ExamView Assessment Suite
Item Analysis Summary
The Item Analysis Summary report provides results by
type of question and by individual question, the percent
of the class that answered each question correctly. For
multiple choice questions, the report also shows the
percent of the class that selected each response (or
answer choice).
You can use the response analysis in the Item Analysis
Summary to identify areas in which you may want to
focus a re-teaching activity so that you can better
address particular learning objectives/standards. For
questions with a high response analysis, you can
validate the question. If a question has a low response
analysis, you can assess whether the average points to
a problem with the question. For example, suppose
students answered a question overwhelmingly (e.g.,
60%) with an incorrect response. This may have
occurred because you recorded an incorrect answer for
the question, the question was unclear, or you did not
cover the information adequately in class.
If, in a particular multiple choice question, the student responses are evenly distributed for all of the answer choices, the
analysis may indicate that students randomly selected a response. If, in another multiple choice question, students selected
the correct response at 65% followed by 30% for the next response, this response analysis data may point to a common
mistake students made in determining the correct answer for the question. On a question-by-question basis, you should look
for similar patterns; such information can provide insight into your students’ understanding of the material covered by the
In the Item Analysis Summary report, a warning icon appears next to any question answered
incorrectly by a percent of the class that is greater than the threshold level.
Item Remediation Summary
The Item Remediation Summary report provides a
summary of questions that the class answered
incorrectly at a rate higher than the set threshold
level. The report pinpoints questions that may require
re-teaching. The report also provides links to remedial
instruction resources. Look for the globe icon to
indicate that content hyperlinks are supported.
Remediation hyperlinks are available for keywords
and state standards. The state standard information
must include an alignment code in order to link to
remedial instruction. The ExamView Learning Series
questions include state standard alignment codes.
Learn more about the Learning Series by visiting our
website at
You can use the Item Remediation Summary to
identify problem areas for your class and locate