Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual

Page 33

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ExamView Assessment Suite



If there are problems with a student’s form—such as missing responses, multiple responses, answer out of
range (e.g., entering an E if only A-D valid)—an asterisk ( * ) appears next to that student’s name. Click Stop
Scanning, highlight the student name, and click Edit. You can change the response for any item. Click Start
Scanning to continue.

Apperson Advantage 1200 Notes:


If the scanner becomes unresponsive, click Stop Scanning, press Reset Options (located on the scanner), and then
click Start Scanning. If that does not solve the problem, cancel the scanning process. Turn the scanner off; turn the
scanner on; and attempt to scan the forms again.


The Apperson scanner prints the percentage score on the scanner form. For tests with only objective questions all set to
1 point, the score will be correct. If your test includes open-ended questions, the score printed on the form will not reflect
the open-ended questions. Unfortunately, there is no way to disable printing. However, you can remove the print

Scantron EZData Notes:


If the status light turns an orange color, contact the manufacturer for assistance. A problem may occur if there is a
conflict between the scanner and another hardware device.


If you notice that the information is regularly misreading student responses, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for
cleaning the scanner.

Getting Results from a Plain-Paper Scanner (PC Only)

Plain-paper scanning allows you to print bubble forms using an ordinary laser printer, pre-print assignment and student
information on the forms, and scan the results using a TWAIN-compliant image scanner. Because forms can be printed on-
demand on standard sheets of paper, plain-paper scanning provides great flexibility, convenience, and cost savings over
dedicated OMR scanning. Additionally, the hardware required for plain-paper scanning can be used for other purposes.

Plain-paper scanning reads the students’ responses for each question, stores this information for each student, and
automatically calculates their score based on the point values assigned to the questions.

Properly installed image scanners that are TWAIN compliant will automatically populate the list of available scanners in the
Get Results from Scanner dialog. Some scanners will appear in the list because their TWAIN drivers have been installed on
the computer, even if the hardware is no longer connected.


Start ExamView Test Manager and open the class.


Select (highlight) the assignment to be scored.



, or click Assignment from the menu bar and select Get Results from Scanner.


Select the desired scanner from the drop-down list.

A separate entry will appear for every imaging device with TWAIN drivers installed on the computer. Some scanner
manufacturers will install multiple drivers for a scanner, so multiple entries will appear in the list for a single scanner. Try
to select the entry for the scanner that is most appropriate for the model and connection of your scanner. Refer to the
Troubleshooting section for additional details.