Turning Technologies TurningPoint Cloud User Manual
Page 92

TurningPoint Cloud
Click the Tools icon on the ribbon and select Ranking Wizard.
The Ranking Wizard opens.
Enter a name for an item to be ranked in the box provided
and click Add or press Enter on the keyboard.
The item is added to the list. At least two items are needed
for ranking.
Repeat this step until all of the ranking items have been
added to the list.
The list of ranking items can be saved and
used again at a later time.
Click the Save button (shaped like a disk)
to save a text file with the list of items. To
open the list click the Load button (shaped
like a folder) to open a saved ranking list.
Enter a name for the First Criterion and, optionally, for
the Second and Third Criterion in the boxes provided.
At least one criterion must be entered for the ranking. If the
items are being ranked on a single criterion, leave the
second and third criterion blank.
The first and second criterion appear on the horizontal and
vertical axes of the chart, respectively. The third criterion
is represented in the chart by the size of the bubble for
each item.
Uncheck the boxes next to the number to limit the scale to
less than 1 - 10.
Unchecking a smaller number also unchecks all the larger
numbers. Click Reset Scale to restore the original ranking
To edit the text of the scale, double-click the existing text.
The ranking scale can be saved and used
again at a later time.
Click the Save button (shaped like a disk)
to save the ranking scale. To open the
ranking scale click the Load button
(shaped like a folder) to open a saved
ranking scale.
Click Next.
The Ranking Wizard advances and the display options can
be specified. An example of how the slides will appear
based on the selected display options is shown in the
bottom of the window.