What’s new in turningpoint cloud – Turning Technologies TurningPoint Cloud User Manual

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TurningPoint Cloud


What’s New in TurningPoint Cloud?

Turning Account

TurningPoint Cloud requires instructors to sign in to protect participant and session data privacy. Instructors sign in to
TurningPoint Cloud with their own Username and password, which stores a unique repository of data specific to the individual -
including sessions, participant lists and backup information.

Participant Account

Participants are required to have a Turning Account (Username and password) to register their response device(s). In addition
to the Turning Account, participants are required to obtain a Turning Account license.



Participant list and session file encryption unique to each instructor's Turning Account


Local storage of encrypted Turning Account information for offline authentication and sign in (requires initial online
authentication for storage)


Separate instructor file access preventing instructors from exposure to other users participant and session files


Optional ability to export and share participant lists and session files via password protection

Reporting Enhancements


New Team Points Report displays team scores by either question or team member


New Demographic Comparison Report compares multiple demographic filters on the same report for all questions
asked in a single session


Easily copy data directly from the reports window and paste into other formats


Simultaneously export different session reports to Excel


Display all responses for Short Answer and Numeric Response questions in the Results by Question report

Support for New Turning Technologies Response Options


QT Device


ResponseWare 2.0


ResponseWare 2.0 and ResponseCard bundle, allowing the merging of response data from multiple devices used by
the same participant in one session

Real-Time Registration option to permanently save Device IDs to participant list

Enhanced Messaging interface between instructor and participants (Anywhere and PowerPoint Polling),
enabling back-channel chat capabilities when used with ResponseWare

Convert ExamView tests and CPS export files to TurningPoint Cloud question lists

“New Session” has been removed from the default session file name. Session files now save with only the
file name time stamp.

Embedded Slide Preferences Pane in the PowerPoint Polling environment

DPI support up to 150%