Import, Importing a question list file – Turning Technologies TurningPoint Cloud User Manual
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TurningPoint Cloud
The racing leader board slide presents a visual representation of the team scores. An image to represent the teams is selected
in the Slide Preferences Pane. When the slide is advanced, the images move in relation to the number of points earned.
Racing Leader Board Slide Preferences:
Number to Display - Select the number of teams to be
displayed from the drop-down menu.
Score Calculation - Select whether the points displayed are
cumulative or single from the drop-down menu. Cumulative
points are the total points earned up to that point in the
presentation. Single points are only the points earned on the
previous question slide.
Animated Image - Select the image to represent the teams.
One image is used for all teams.
Animation Speed - Select the speed for the images.
Animation (direction) - Select the direction, horizontal or vertical, for the images to race.
The wager slide allows participants to wager a percentage of their
points on the next question slide. If the participants fail to correctly
answer the question, the amount of points wagered is lost. If the
participants successfully answer the question, they are awarded that
percentage of points. If there is a correct answer value for the question,
participants are also awarded those points in addition to the points
Wager Slide Preferences:
Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling
automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked,
the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
Bullet Format - The bullet format for the answer choices can be changed from the drop-down menu.
The Import Question List icon on the TurningPoint Cloud ribbon is used to import a question list file from any location, such as
the TurningPoint Cloud Content folder, a flash drive or network drive.
Importing a Question List File
The questions from the question list file are converted into polling slides.
Click the Import icon on the TurningPoint Cloud ribbon.
Browse to the location of the question list file.