LINK Systems OmniLink 5000 User Manual

Page 77

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and the LMC turned Off if the press travels beyond 20 degs into the downstroke
during a soft brake stop on top.

Factory Configured Parameter definitions:

V/M Pull In Time (mSec). This parameter sets the time duration that the soft brake output OR-16
is On when the press is stopping at the top of the stroke. The maximum setting of this parameter
is 1000 milliseconds. The minimum setting of this parameter is 40 milliseconds. This parameter
can be set in 20 millisecond increments.

V/M Drop Out Time (mSec). This parameter sets the tracking time for the soft brake proximity
sensor wired into input 45 (Valve Monitor 2). This parameter can be set in 20 millisecond
increments. The input must track output, OR-16, within the time set by this parameter. This
means that when OR-16 turns On input #45 must switch low within this time and when OR-16
turns Off input #45 must switch back high within this time limit.

V/M Track Time (mSec). This parameter sets the tracking time for the clutch/brake valve
feedback wired into input 44 (Valve Monitor 1). Under normal operation the input is low (0vdc)
when the clutch/brake valve is Off, no pressure in the output port of the valve, and switches high
(+24vdc) when clutch/brake drive is On, pressure in the output port of the valve. The time can
be set from 000 to 900 mSec in increments of 20 milliseconds. The input must track the
clutch/brake output within the time set by this parameter.

Section 6.1.11 Lube System I/O

The system 5000 allows the user to configure certain inputs and outputs for specific lubrication systems.
The function of Inputs #33, #34, #35 and output #21 (OR-5) are determined by the lube configuration type
(see Section 5.3 for a description of the lube).

Lube Type 000:

Lube System Monitor is Disabled

Input #33

Not used

Input #34

Not used

Input #35

Not used

Output #21 (OR-5)

Not used (always off)

Lube Type 001:

Recirculating Oil with Static Inputs

Input #33

Low Lube Pressure

(stop if input = 0 volts)

Input #34

High Lube Pressure

(stop if input = 0 volts)

Input #35

Low Lube Level

(stop if input = 0 volts)

Output #21 (OR-5)

Lube Fault

(opens if fault occurs)

This is a "static" lubrication system. If any input goes to a stop condition, the press top stops. If the input
remains in a stop condition after the press stops, the lube system output (OR-5) will turn off. This output
will remain off and further stroke initiation is prevented until all inputs return to the run state. The output
is intended to be used to turn off the main motor in the event of a lube system fault. The timers associated
with the lube system are not used and should be set to zero.