LINK Systems OmniLink 5000 User Manual

Page 60

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Automatic Single Stroke, and can include Inch and Timed Inch if a fixed Inch speed has been turned off. The
example shown in Figure 5.6 describes a press that has a maximum continuous stroking speed of 400 spm
but has been configured to run no greater than 100 spm in single stroking modes. Note that this is not a fixed
speed and that the motor speeds screen allows the speed to be set over the entire range. If the programmed
speed is greater than the maximum single stroke spm the analog output to the drive will “clamp” at the limit.
For example, if the press described in Figure 5.6 was stroking at 200 spm in Continuous mode and was then
switched to Single Stroke mode the press control would command the drive to run at 100 spm (the maximum
single stroke limit). If the programmed speed setting were then manually decreased no change would be
made to the analog output until the setting went below 100 spm. The drive is commanded to stroke at the
programmed setting if below the limit. If a maximum speed is not desired, a programmed setting of 0000
will turn this feature off and the press control can be initiated in single strokes modes over the entire speed

Section Flywheel Brake Tolerance

This parameter is not used in this version of software and should be set to 000.

Section Minimum Entry

This parameter allows the press control to be configured to reject an operators attempt to run the press below
a defined point in production modes. In the example shown in Figure 5.6 a minimum entry setting of 075
would mean that the press could not be operated in any production mode (Single Stroke or Continuous)
below 75 spm. Note that the press would still Inch at 50 spm for die setting.

Section Option Control

This parameter allows the press control to be configured to store the speed settings for Continuous and
Single Stroking modes along with the other job settings for each job. If this parameter is set to 001 these
settings are recalled with the job and the motor will automatically drive to the desired speed when the
production mode is selected. If this parameter is set to 000 the speed settings are not recalled for job. If this
parameter is set to 002 the motor speed control option is turned Off and the press control will not generate
analog command signals to the drive. If turned Off the operator will not be given access to the Motor Speed
Adjust screen described in Section 4.7.

Section Continuous Modes Control

This parameter allows the press control to be configured to ramp the press speed to the programmed
continuous speed setting after the clutch is engaged, in Continuous or Continuous On Demand modes. If
this parameter is set to 001 and a maximum single stroke spm is programmed, when Continuous mode is
selected the drive is commanded to the maximum single stroke speed before the stroke is initiated. When
the clutch is engaged the drive is commanded to the continuous speed setting and remains there while
stroking. When the press stops the drive is commanded to the maximum single stroke speed and if the
stroking speed was greater than this “at rest” speed plus the flywheel brake tolerance, the flywheel brake is
applied to bring the motor speed to the fixed at rest setting. This feature is turned off if this parameter is set
to 000.