LINK Systems OmniLink 5000 User Manual

Page 54

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Variable speed presses require a calibration procedure be performed when the press control is installed. This
process involves running the press at both a low and high speed and adjusting the top stop position
(programmed in Degrees Before Top Dead Center) to stop the press at the top of the stroke at both speeds.
This procedure must be performed for both manual stroking modes and continuous stroking modes. The
suggested top stop calibration procedure is as follows:


With the Program/Run switch in the RUN position, select Single Stroke mode.


Switch to the PROG position, use the cursor keys to move to the speed settings for manual stroke
modes, and enter the low and high operating speeds (shown as left and right columns respectively)
for the press (see area 1 in Fig. 5.4). Move the cursor down to the top stop positions for manual
stroke modes and enter the degrees before top at which the clutch/brake outputs should be de-
energized in order to stop the press at the top of the stroke for both the low and high speeds. If these
parameters are not known, they can be determined by the following procedure:

Program the top stop positions for both low and high speed to 0000. Switch to the RUN position,
set the machine speed to the low stroking speed and make one stroke using the appropriate run
buttons. With both top stop positions set to the same value, the press control will NOT calculate a
stopping angle based on speed but will use the programmed setting at all stroking speeds. Examine
the calculated speed and stop angle (area 3 in Fig. 5.4) and verify that the actual speed is
approximately equal to the programmed low speed and that the calculated stop angle shows 000
degrees. Since the stop signal is generated at zero degrees, the present crankshaft angle (shown in
the top left of the LCD) indicates the number of degrees that the press took to stop. Enter this
number into the top stop position settings for both low and high speed. Make one stroke using the
appropriate run buttons and verify that the calculated stop angle is the same as the programmed value.
Since the stopping characteristics of the press may be different in the downstroke than in the
upstroke, this first programmed top stop position may need to be adjusted to stop the press at the
desired top of the stroke. If adjustment is needed, the new value MUST be entered into both top stop
parameters in order to prevent the press control from attempting to calculate a stop angle.

Once adjusted to stop at top at the low speed, set the machine speed to the high stroking speed and
make one stroke using the appropriate run buttons. Examine the calculated speed and stop angle
(area 3 in Fig. 5.4) and verify that the actual speed is approximately equal to the programmed high
speed and that the calculated stop angle is the same as the value programmed into both top stop
positions. The present crankshaft angle (shown in the top left of the LCD display) indicates the
number of degrees past zero that the press traveled at this speed. Since the stop was initiated some
number of degrees before top (shown as calculated stop angle), add the present crankshaft angle to
the calculated stop angle and enter this value into the top stop position for high speed (do not change
the programmed top stop position for low speed). When the Program/Run key is switched to the
RUN position, the press control will use the two speed parameters and their associated stop positions
to calculate coefficients used in an equation that describes the stopping characteristics of the press.
From this point on the press control will calculate a stopping angle based on speed throughout the
entire speed range of the press. Since the stopping characteristics of the press may be different in the
downstroke than in the upstroke, it may be necessary to adjust the high speed top stop position in
order to stop the press at the desired top of stroke. Once programmed for operation at high speed,
the press can be operated at any intermediate speed to verify that the calibration procedure has