When not to upgrade, When not to upgrade -2 – Eurocom D700T Enigma User Manual
Page 98

Upgrading The Computer
6 - 2 Overview
When Not to Upgrade
These procedures involve opening the system’s case, adding and sometimes
replacing parts.
You should not perform any of these upgrades if:
• Your system is still under warranty or a service contract
• You don’t have all the necessary equipment
• You’re not in the correct environment
• You doubt your abilities
Under any of these conditions, contact your service representative to purchase
or replace the component(s).
Power Safety
Before you undertake
any upgrade proce-
dures, make sure that
you have turned off the
power, and discon-
nected all peripherals
and cables (including
telephone lines). It is
advisable to also re-
move your battery in
order to prevent acci-
dentally turning the
machine on.
Removal Warning
When removing any cover(s) and screw(s) for the purposes of device upgrade, re-
member to replace the cover(s) and screw(s) before turning the computer on.
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