Selecting & configuring files to display – Eurocom D700T Enigma User Manual

Page 170

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1.8" Top Case LCD

D - 6 Using the LCDAP Program


Selecting & Configuring Files to Display

1. To select files to display double-click the file to highlight it (it will be outlined

in blue).

2. You can select up to 12 files to display, however this is dependent upon the

file size (a maximum of 512 Kbytes of files may be selected).

3. The selected picture size will be displayed in blue at the bottom of the screen

(if the total size of selected files exceeds 512 Kbytes the text will change to
red and you will need to deselect files to turn the text back to blue).

4. When a file is selected you can adjust the slide transition type from the Type

box (see sidebar).

5. The transition speed of each slide (in tenths of a second) for each slide may

be set in the Speed box.

6. The delay between the slides (in hundredths of a second) may be set in the

Delay box.

7. The final result of any changes may be checked by using the Preview


8. When you are satisfied with the final configuration result click the Update

Picture button and give the program time to update.

9. Click Exit to quit the program.

Update Program


Avoid using the Up-
date Program button
as this information is
not modifiable in user