Ildvxsco2 interface, Getneuronid method, Syntax – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual
Page 189: Returns

OpenLDV Programmer’s Guide
This method sets the remote TCP port that the RNI at the other end of the
connection uses to receive connections from the LNS Server. For a downlink
session, it is the responsibility of the xDriver lookup extension to map the
downlink lookup key to the database, extract the remote TCP port from the
database, and fill it into the SCO using this method.
STDMETHOD(SetRemoteTCPPort)(short tcpPort)
Visual Basic Function GetRemoteTCPPort() As Short
Table 72. SetRemoteTCPPort Parameters
Remote TCP port number that the RNI uses to receive connections
from the LNS Server on as an integer. Must be in the range 1 - 65535.
Recommendation: Use port 1024 or higher.
Standard COM HRESULT describing the result of the call. Returns
E_ACCESS_DENIED if the field is currently read-only. Table 68 on page 178
lists each SCO_TCP field, along with when these fields are read-only.
ILdvxSCO2 Interface
The SCO2 interface is one of the interfaces to the Session Control Object. It
provides additional properties and methods for user extensions.
GetNeuronID Method
Applies to: Session Control Object
This method gets the Neuron ID of the RNI.
STDMETHOD(GetNeuronID)(BSTR * nNeuronID)
Visual Basic Function GetNeuronID() As String